Open. That is the intention I set during a recent online yoga workout. I resolved that it shall remain my intention for at least the next three months.
Open to new business opportunities.
Open to ideas of how to help my clients be successful in today’s stressful, changing world.
Open to teach others to work with my business on special projects.
Open to learn how I can widen and improve my relationships with people from different backgrounds, experiences, and lifestyles.
Open to challenge myself and my viewpoints.
Open to stand up, to continue to speak out against injustice and discrimination.
Open to saying yes, when I might otherwise say no.
Open to occasionally just shutting my computer and enjoy a gorgeous summer day.
Open to use my voice to make our world a better, safer place.
It can be scary to open ourselves up. But when we do, it can bring inspiration, knowledge, change, hope, promise greater than that fear.
If you were to set an intention for the next hour, week, or month, what would it be?
The journey continues.
PS> I wrote this last week, during protests, rallies (one which I participated in), learning, reading about slavery’s legacy, and listening, but just had time to post now.