How do you mix up your marketing efforts? Are you using all the tools available to you to maximize response rates and improve your cost per return? For all the elements that are components of controlled (free) brands today, we need to market smarter to keep our customer engaged: magazines, webinars, research downloads, pay-per-lead collateral, newsletters.
People are still bombarding their email lists with non-targeted efforts. Doing that on a continual basis is going to tire those customers out.
Here are a number of things you can try to incorporate into upcoming marketing plans: (you do HAVE a marketing plan, don’t you? If not, read the basics now).
With so many self-built members on various social media portals, we should target them with focused messages. And test the timing/frequency/wording of our efforts.
How can you shake up your next efforts? Your customers might just respond to a new format, new time, new place for your offer.
The journey continues.