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The list of marketing acronyms grows! There have been changes from my first blog list to the AAMP presentation (Association of Audience Marketing Professionals) that Elizabeth Kachoris and I presented last fall, to our most recent iteration, which is included here. This deck almost doubled the number of acronyms we explained, from 17 to 32!
This is slightly shortened from what Elizabeth and I co-presented as a webinar last week for MCMA. (Media & Marketing Content Assn.) The MCMA deck can be found here: couple slides needed context, so I removed them.
Why are these terms worth repeating? We hear these terms on a regular basis—CDP, CMS, DMP, ABM, KPI—and they really are all integrated with our audience marketing and database development jobs. See how they tie together; you should be able to find at least 1 idea you can incorporate in your job, if not a whole new technology.
What else would you add?
The journey continues. Cindy