I recently had the honor of attending Northwestern/Kellogg’s for Women Board Director Development program. I was energized meeting so many incredible women in the program and learning from active board members and the Northwestern faculty.
I was inspired by the tenacity, knowledge, openness, eagerness and skill sets the women in our cohort can bring to a corporate board. Having more knowledge, diversity, a variety of career can help positively influence corporate governance.
After spending most of my workdays since 2020 at my desk, it was invigorating for my first in-person “event” to be so inspiring, educational, and hopeful. There was a lot learned, a lot of internal thoughts, presentations by each of us, and much more to do now that the certificates have been handed out.
If you are on a corporate board, I would love to talk to you. Also, please keep me in mind if you know of any board opportunities. I have a wealth of experience I can bring to the table.
The journey continues. Cindy