Can you accomplish a personal goal if you commit to working towards it for 10 minutes a day, every day in 2016?
A seemingly simple yet compelling challenge that Eric Zorn wrote about in a recent Chicago Tribune column. (you might have to be a subscriber to access it). He was successful in his goal of playing the fiddle for a minimum 10 minutes every day, and he gave a synopsis of other people who accepted the 10MaD 2015 pledge.
I have thought about this column for the past couple days. Eric Zorn, I accept 10MaD as my 2016 challenge and resolution. But what goal to reach?? So many options!
Since writing and photography are two hobbies/passions I wish I had more time to spend time with, I decided that 2016 will be a year for “My Personal Exploration of Fine Arts.” At this point, my “major” will be writing and “minor” will be photography, but that could swap during the year. Who knows?
Since I work as an audience development consultant where I spend hours writing proposals/project updates/marketing efforts, I want to clarify what I consider part of this 10MaD pledge:
I will have to manage my time, since I know that any of these can entail a creative block or the opposite–that vortex, when time disappears while working on a project. I will occasionally post here about the status of my 10MaD challenge.
I am excited and a little intimidated to accept the 2016 10MaD pledge. One day done with this writing, 365 left since it is a Leap Year.
The journey continues. Happy New Years to all!
1/2/16 update–Readers, an fyi that I will post more personal posts and poetry on my other blog, which has been unused in over 3 years. That blog is Have an Opinion’s Opinion. Feel free to follow either or both sites.
Good luck with your goals! Happy New Year!
Thanks Rachel! Enjoying your blog. Happy New Year to you too.
[…] 2016 I am starting a new endeavor, so I am reviving this blog. Based on an article I recently read in the Chicago Tribune, I am going to try and write or take photographs for a minimum of 10 minutes a day. You can read about this 10MaD challenge on my business blog. […]