92 days. That is how
many days are in the 4th quarter, less a myriad of holidays. What can you accomplish in those 92
days? Spend some time planning this week,
make a few tweaks to your daily schedule, and can do more than you think.
If there is a project you wanted to start—or finish—this year, you still have time!
Here are 6 tips to get you started and keep you on track, as we move through the last quarter of 2022:
- Set aside time to think about what you want to accomplish. Create a firm goal, then a list of the tasks you need to do to reach your goal.
- Use a special journal (ie. Best Self, Ink & Volt) to map out your goals and tasks, or hand write it on paper. Research has shown that you are 42% more likely to accomplish your goals if you physically write them down. If writing on paper isn’t your thing, then type into the computer or phone–but write them out.
- Set up a reward for yourself, for when you reach milestones.
- Block time on your calendar each day and hold yourself to working on your project during that time. This could be before work, after work, or some carved out increments during the day. I have found that time blocking throughout the day makes me more productive.
- Turn your phone on “do not disturb” or put it in a drawer during this blocked time. Distractions are far easier during the inevitable mind blocks when you can’t scroll through social media or respond to texts. Doing this for the past couple months has improved my focus on what is in front of me.
- Find an accountability partner, if you think that will help you keep moving. Talk or meet with them on a set schedule about what you have accomplished, stumbling blocks, changes to your plans.
You can kickstart 2023 now, by using the rest of the year to
plan, focus, accomplish a special goal, and create new habits to take you
The journey continues.